Hawaiian Trivia

State of Hawaii

Hawaii became the 50th State on August 21, 1959
Hawaii is the most isolated population center on the face of the earth: 2,390 miles from California; 3,850 miles from Japan; 4,900 miles from China; and 5,280 miles from the Philippines.
The Cliffs at Princeville - beaches

Facts About Hawaii

State Capitol: Honolulu, Oahu. Honolulu is the 11th largest city in the United States.
State Flower: Pua ma’o hau hele (Yellow hibiscus)
State Bird: Nene (Hawaiian Goose)
State Motto: “Ua mau ke ea o kaÿaina I ka pono.”
(Translation: The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.)
State Mammal: Kohala (Humpback Whale)
State Song: Hawai’i Pono’i
State Fish: Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (Hawaiian Trigger Fish)
State Nickname: The Aloha State
Total Land Area: 6,423 square miles
State Tree: Kukui (Candlenut)
Total Coastline: 822 miles

Hawaii is the only state where coffee is commercially grown.
Hawaii has its own time zone (Hawaii Standard Time). There is no daylight savings time.
The first Western-style plantation was established in Hawaii on the island of Kauai, and it produced sugar.
The Hawaiians divided their land that stretched from the mountain to the sea. This land division is called ahupua’a.

Island of Kauai

In ancient times, Kauai was known as Kaua’imanokalanipo, which translates to “the fountainhead of many waters from on high and bubbling from below”, until it was eventually shortened to its present form.


Kauai is said to be the oldest and fourth largest island among the major Hawaiian islands.
The Cliffs at Princeville - beaches
County Seat: Lihue
Island Nickname: The Garden Isle
Island Flower: Mokihana (Green Berry)
Island Song: Aloha Kauai
Island Color: Purple
Land Area: 552.3 square miles
Coastline: 90 Miles
The Grand Canyon is to Arizona as the Waimea Canyon is to Kauai. Kauai’s Waimea Canyon is also known as “the Grand Canyon of the Pacific”. The name of the volcano that formed Kauai is Mt. Wai’ale’ale. The Wailua River is one of few navigable rivers in Hawai’i. It drains off Mt. Wai’ale’ale, which averages 488 inches of rain per year and is considered the wettest spot on earth.
The Waimea, Hanapepe, Lumahai and Hanalei rivers are almost as big as the Wailua River and quite navigable. The Hanalei River has been dedicated a “national treasure” and is under U.S. Government protection from use as a “place of business”. Sheer cliffs exist on the northwest side of the island of Kauai. Geologists believe that the part of the land broke off and slid into the ocean thus creating our Na Pali Coast.
Relax with a Kauai staycation on the North Shore. Enjoy 15% off and zero amenity fees. Valid Hawaii ID must be presented at check-in.
Kama'aina Special
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